уторак , 16 јула 2024
Početna / Некатегоризовано / Plovidba lepim, plavim dunavom

Plovidba lepim, plavim dunavom

I ovog leta posetioci Istočne Srbije imaće priliku da uživaju u jednoj od najatraktivnijih turističkih tura u Srbiji, vožnji brodom po Đerdapskoj klisuri. Krajolik sa vertikalnim liticama, Trajanova tabla, mesto gde je Dunav najuži i najdublji, deo su jedinstvenih kulturnih i prirodnih vrednosti koje je moguće videti samo sa vode.

Đerdapska klisura, najduža i najveća klisura u Evropi, pruža sto kilometara veličanstvene prirode i istorije u kojoj se Dunav stešnjen između planina Srbije i Rumunije probija ka Vlaškoj niziji i Crnom moru. U imenu čuva uspomenu na turske osvajače (Gerdap na turskom znači mesto opasno za plovidbu, vrtlog, vir), a na obalama i pod vodom ostatke Lepenskog vira, najstarije civilizacije u Evropi, iz doba neolita, ali i monumentalnih rimskih građevina, Trajanovog puta, table i mosta, vojnog utvrđenja. Upravo na ulazu u Đerdapsku klisuru Dunav je najširi na celom svom toku, i razliva se na pet kilometara.

Nedugo zatim,  na lokalitetu Gospođin Vir, vertikalne litice od kojih zastaje dah, sužavaju ga na svega 150 metara, i baš tu dostiže najveću rečnu dubinu od 100 metara. Prirodna i kulturna riznica, jedinstvena u Srbiji, koja se na pravi način može doživeti samo “sa vode” predočena je učesnicima promotivnog putovanja izletničkim brodom u organizaciji “Đerdap turista” iz Kladova. Atraktivna šestočasovna vožnja od Tekije do Velikog kazana i nazad do Kladova, preko prevodnice HE “Đerdap 1” nikoga od stotinjak punika nije ostavila ravnodušnim. A kako i nebi kada se pred njihovim očima ispisivala istorija Evrope i  lekcije iz geologije i ekologije. Plovodba je uzbudljiva od samog početka, pogleda na tvrđavu Fetislam iz turskog perioda, na samoj obali Dunava kod Kladova, preko rimskog vojnog utvrđenja Diana, jedinog iznad nivoa Dunava, jedinstvene plovidbe kroz brodsku prevodnicu najveće evropske hidoelektrane u kojoj se savlađuje visinska razlika od tridesetak metara između donjeg i gornjeg nivoa Dunava. Na ulasku u Veliki i Mali Kazan pitomi živopisni krajolik nedirnute prirode ubrzo se pretvara u kanjon oštrih vertikalnih litica koje paraju nebo. U jednoj takvoj, tik iznad površine Dunava stoji Trajanova tabla, kao uspomena i svedočenje na graditeljske poduhvate rimskog imperatora Trajana iz i veka. Malo uzvodno, na rumunskoj strani obale Dunava uzdiže se najviša kamena skulptura u Evropi, dačanskog kralja Decebala, a neposredno uz nju manastir na vodi Mrakonija.

– Ovo je izuzetna prilika da se objedini turističke ponude Srbije i Rumunije, a zašto da ne i Bugarske. Ovakva koncentracija kulturnih i prirodnih znamenitosti i sve kroz udobnu vožnju brodom, čini ovu destinaciju jednom od najatraktivnijih u ovom delu Evrope. Očekujemo da će turisti iz Rumunije biti zainteresovani za ovakve turističke ture, pogotovu što vole izvanrednu srpsku kuhinju i način kako se Srbi provode – poručio je Marjan Nikola iz Turističke organizacije “Maramond” iz Krajove u Rumuniji. Mileta Todorović iz Kragujevca, potpredsednik glavnog odbora Sindikata organizacija pravosudnih organa Srbije, najavljuje ponovni dolazak svojih sindikalnih kolega.

– Hotel “Đerdap” je postao reper za organizovanje kongresa i seminara, ne samo po izuzetnoj ponudi u hotelu već i po ovoj plovidbi koja daleko prevazilazi ostale turističke zanimljivosti u Srbiji – kaže Mileta Todorović. Krstarenje Đerdapskom klisurom nije ostavilo ravnodušnim ni grupu Banaćana.

– Prvi put sam na ovoj destinaciji i tvrdim da je ovo najatraktivnija turistička ponuda u Srbiji. Tome, osim ovog jedinstvenog ambijenta značajno doprinose i turistički poslenici iz Hotela “Đerdap” koji su stvorili fantastičnu atmosferu što ovom putovanju daje posebnu draž  – reči su preduzetnika Vladimira Mitrovića iz Pančeva. Nije na odmet pomenuti da je na brodu poslužen ručak sa specijalitetima iz ovog kraja, dimljini šaran, somovina, jagnjenina ispod sača, pečurke, kao i da su goste celim putem zabavljala dva orkestra. Brod ,,Đerdap,, je katamaran konstruisan za lagano krstarenje Đerdapskim jezerom   prosečnom brzinom od 12 do 15km na sat. Radni sat plovidbe sa kompletnim personalom iznosi 30.000 dinara, a za goste koji odsedaju u hotelu ,,Đerdap,, u Kladovu, cena  je 24.000 dinara po satu. Meni na brodu i piće se dodatno ugovaraju sa menadžmentom hotela. Maksimalan broj putnika je 120. Hrana se poslužuje u formi otvorenog bifea (švedskog stola). Brod poseduje, pored panoramske gornje palube, i klimatizovani restoran na srednjoj palubi, 4 toaleta, 3 bara, integrisano ozvučenje i kompletnu kuhinju, tako da se svi obroci pripremaju na brodu. Rute zavise od želje klijenata, a moguće su dve opcije:

– Plovidba u donjem jezeru sa razgledanjem priobalja Kladova i susednog rumunskog grada Drobeta Turnu Severin, ostataka Trajanovog mosta, utvrđenja Fetislam i Ada Kale utvrđenja u trajanju od jednog do dva sata.

– Krstarenje na relaciji Kladovo – prolazak kroz HE Đerdap – Mali i Veliki Kazan – najviša kamena skulptura u Evropi dačanskog kralja Decebala, plovidba do najužeg dela Dunava u celom njegovom toku i naveće izmerene rečne dubine na svetu (93m) i iskrcavanje u Tekiji. (6 sati plovidbe). U cenu rente broda uključene su i usluge vodiča.


Also this summer, visitors to Eastern Serbia will have the opportunity to enjoy a boat ride on the Iron Gate Gorge, one of the most attractive tours in Serbia. The majestic scenery with vertical cliffs,  Tabula Traiana, the Danube at its the narrowest and deepest stretch, are part of an unique composition of cultural and natural attractions ​​that can be seen only from the river’s perspective. The Iron Gate, the largest and longest gorge in Europe, stretches over magnificent hundred kilometers of nature and history squeezed between the mountains of the Danube between Serbia and Romania, and towards Wallachia Plains and the Black Sea. The name preserves the memory of the Turkish invaders (the Turkish word Đerdap means a dangerous place for sailing, a vortex), and on the banks and underwater there are remains of Lepenski Vir, the oldest civilization in Europe, from the Neolithic period. The Romans left monumental constructions, mostly from the period of reign of  the Emperor Trian’s. The famous Traian’s Tabula, remains of the ancient bridge, an the military fortifications.

It is at the entrance to the Iron Gate that Danube is the widest in all of its course, and it spills five kilometers around the river banks. Shortly thereafter, by the site Gospodjin Vir, the breathtaking vertical cliffs are narrowing the river to only 150 meters, where the river reaches its maximum depth of 100 meters. These unique natural and cultural treasures were presented to the participants of the promotional excursion trip organized by the Iron Gate tourists from Kladovo. This attractive boat cruise from Tekija to the Veliki Kazan Valley and back to Kladovo, through the river locks of the hydro power plant Đerdap 1, took six hours. The beautifull landscapes and the sights of the different layers of human and geological history left no one of the hundred passenger indifferent.

The cruise is exciting from the very start. On the Danube banks near Kladovo, the Fetislam, a Turkish fortress sees the boat off. It sails further near the Roman military fortifications Diana, and trough locks of the largest European hydro power plant, where the boat overcomes an altitude of thirty meters between the lower and upper levels of the Danube. At the entrance to the Veliki and Mali Kazan, the gentle, picturesque landscape of unspoiled nature soon turns into a sharp vertical cliffs of the canyon tearing the sky apart. In one these cliffs, just above the surface of the Danube, stands the Traian’s Tabula as a memorial and a testimony to the architectural endeavors of the Roman emperor Traian from the I century AD. A little further upstream, on the Romanian side of the Danube, there rises a highest stone sculpture in Europe, depicting the Dacian King Decebalus, and next to it is situated the Mrakonija monastery on the water.

– This is an exceptional opportunity to combine the tourist offer of Serbia and Romania, and why not, Bulgaria. This concentration of cultural and natural attractions and a comfortable boat trip makes this destination one of the most attractive in this part of Europe. We expect that guests from Romania will be interested in these tourist trips, especially because of the excellent Serbian cuisine like the way the Serbs carrie it out – said Nikola Marjan from the Tourist Organization „Maramond“ from Craiova, Romania. Mileta Todorović from Kragujevac, the Vice President of the Central Committee of the Union Organization of the Judicial Employees of Serbia, announced the re-arrival of his union comrads. Hotel “ Đerdap “ has become a benchmark for organizing conferences and seminars, not only because of an exclusive offer in the hotel but also for this voyage that far exceeds other tourist attractions in Serbia – Mileta Todorović said. A group of tourists from Banat was impressed by the cruise.

– This is my first visit of this destination and I am sure that this is the most attractive tourist tour in Serbia.  Consequently, apart from this unique environment, the tourist workers of the hotel Đerdap significantly contributed by creating a fantastic atmosphere, which gave the special charm to this trip. – was the opinion of the entrepreneur Vladimir Mitrović from Pancevo. The lunch served on board was the combination of the specialties from the region, smoked carp, roasted catfish, stewed lamb, and mushrooms. The guests were all the way entertained by two orchestras. The boat Đerdap, is a catamaran designed for easy cruising on the Lake Đerdap with an average speed of 12 to 15 km per hour. The price of renting the boat with a crew is  RSD 30,000 per hour, and for the guests of  the hotel Đerdap in Kladovo, the price is RSD 24,000.  The menu and beverages on board are to negotiate with the management of the hotel. Maximum number of passengers is 120. Food is served in the form of a buffet. In addition to panoramic upper deck, there is an air conditioned restaurant on the middle deck, 4 toilets, 3 bars, integrated sound system and a complete kitchen, so all meals are prepared on board. The route depends on the wishes of clients, and there are two options: Boating in the lower part of the lake with sight seeing tour of the river banks and the Romanian town Drobeta Turnu Severin, the remains of Traian’s bridge, the Fetislam fortress, and Ada Kale fortress. The whole trip takes one to two hours.

– Cruising on the route Kladovo – passing through the Đerdap power plant – Mali and Veliki Kazan – the tallest stone statue in Europe of the Dacian King Decebalus, sailing at the narrowest part of the Danube with the deepest river water in Europe of the depth of 93 m and disembarking at Tekija. The route takes about six hours.

The price includes guide services.

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